
Daeng Aria Bin Dariush (he/they) is a political leader in Dawlat Al-Harir who lives in Abu Eankabut. They are part of the Al Eankabut dynasty, and also the Al-Harir dynasty, the latter having ruled Dawlat Al-Harir since it began. He is known as the celestial seer to the gods’ will, the exalted oracle, according to the scriptures of the Five Caliphs. They are in a secret relationship with Sam, and meet with her each week — Sam compiles a them report of the future every Friday. He can see the past, supposedly by the grace of As Sami. They can also create spiderweb-like portals in space to warp through.

Gets information from Emira. Virikia schedules their meetings and adjudicates their races. He’s enby and bi, and has sisters.


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