
Non-comprehensive information relevant to the attempted assassination of Daeng Aria Bin Dariush at the summer Eid of 1998.

  • Miriam and Aria shared a moment of “keep your enemies close”. (A Summons 5)
  • Miriam received reports of mysterious people around the palace grounds. (Third Time Lucky 2)
  • Sam told Aria about an upcoming coup. (Good Morning Dalwat Al Harir 3)
  • From the Council, Mahedi is in charge of security for the festival, saying Nurul, Sonam and Aibek pledged personnel towards it. (The Space Between Us 1)
  • Sabbah made a zine about secularist reform. (Silent Songs 1)
  • Miriam voted to hear the proposal to celebrate Al Basir jointly with As Sami in sermon. (The Space Between Us 1)
  • Miriam said that there’s something wrong with Dawlat Al-Harir, and that people were not scared of making a difference. (Summersets / Side A 2)
  • After Aria asked for a vote about whether to listen to Zarina, Zarina was outvoted. (The Space Between Us 1)
  • Sam’s vision of Aria came with the faces of Zarina and Miriam. (Summersets / Side A 4)
  • Zarina instantly realised that Sam had had a vision about Aria being in danger when she said their name after Zarina stopped her running to him. (Summersets / Side A 3)

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