Dawlat Al-Harir

The Holy Dawlat Al-Harir is a country ruled by Aria from the Al-Harir dynasty. It borders the region around it.

Main provinces are its capital Abu Eankabut, Dilmun, and Alqadima. Dalwat Al-Harir is a theocratic autocracy under a divine oracle, with a Council, and an elected Prime Minister, Miriam. It uses the Dinar as currency.

Exports textiles. Does agriculture.

Contains Abu Eankabut, Alqadima, Dilmun, Assyria, Anatolia, Bahr Aaqala, Parsi, Durrani, Western Turkistan, Kazakhstan, Eastern Turkistan, Rajastan, Zazasthala. In the real world, these fictional regions would be roughly centred around Oman, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey, Armenia, western Iran, eastern Iran, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Rajasthan (India) and Nepal, respectively.


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