Lost [like a Winter Moon]

‘Lost [like a Winter Moon]’ is a chapter of the comic, preceded by The Juncture and followed by Third Time Lucky.

Episode 1

Reyhan and Zhen chat while going over Zhen’s photographs, but Reyhan appears to touch a nerve when asking where his family are from. Zhen goes home in the late evening and finds his grandfather and father both waiting for him.

Episode 2

Zhen runs away upstairs instead of talking to his family, and, struck by a moment of heartache, longs for Zach. Meanwhile, Sam looks at the night sky and jots down prophecies. Zach notices the magical lights around her and asks if she was divining the future. Sam uses the stargazing excuse, saying only the Divine Oracle can see the future.

Episode 3

Zach challenges the common religious view that only Aria can see the future, explaining that his mother would say that children of Al Basir could see the future, contra the view most believe, the masjid’s canon. Sam reveals that ‘Al Basir’ means ‘all-seeing’ and that she gets her powers of prophecy from him. She explains that she can’t see everything, and stargazing helps with clarity. She can only look a little into the future, and usually only by asking a specific question, although sometimes by getting little visions about someone she knows.

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