New Year's Eve, Side B

‘New Year’s Eve, Side B’ is a chapter of the comic, preceded by New Year’s Day 1998 and followed by My Quiet Mountain Town.

Episode 1

Musa phones a university professor to arrange his sudden absence, while absently dropping money into Zach’s collection bucket. He catches a train from Salwa National Rail Station.

Episode 2

Musa arranges a high-speed train ticket in first class to Abu Eankabut. He has 20 missed calls. He rings Miriam, who wants to know if he’s on his way home.

Episode 3

Musa asks Miriam if the rumours about their mother are true, and if she knew. Miriam deflects about why no one told him. Musa gets off the train and arrives at Miriam.

Episode 4

Miriam tells Musa she has no information about their brother, except that his name is Zhen. Meanwhile, Zhen’s payphone call to Zach disconnects just before he can say his name. Zhen takes the number from the payphone poster and leaves into the New Year’s fireworks.

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