Night Hawks Part 2

‘Night Hawks Part 2’ is a chapter of the comic, preceded by In the Heat of It and followed by Cool Off.

Episode 1

Sam takes Zach out to a nightclub to stop him sulking and to apologise for getting offended when Zach brought up her class privilege. She says she wants to be there to support Zach, starting by paying their bar tab tonight.

Episode 2

Zach and Sam dance together for a bit, then split up to make out with attractive partners. Zach’s partner calls him ‘exotic’ for his bird-like features and mistakes him for a lizard Rasul, so Zach ditches him. Sam stops making out with her own partner, apologising that she’s not in the right headspace for it. Zach meets back up with Sam and they leave the club.

Episode 3

Sam and Zach sit on the marina. Sam reveals to Zach she’s having an affair with someone in a position of authority which means they can’t be public about their relationship. Zach tells Sam he had a fight with the cute boy who phones him over his big secret. Zach says maybe he should let it go, having only been a short (almost six month) phone friendship, but Sam reflects back she thinks Zach really does love him. She says about both her and Zach, even if being in love feels impossible, it may be worth it.

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