
Samantha Aibekovna Alikhanov (she/her) goes by Sam Aibek in everyday life, and is in a relationship with Aria. She rooms with Zach in Salwa, and works in gardening and greenscharming — although she has ambitions of starting a restaurant.

She can make buuza and play the morin khuur. She loves suutei tsai tea with lots of milk. She has lived in Abu Eankabut, Kazakhstan and outside of Dawlat Al-Harir, including Mongolia where she grew up with her father and cousins, who are Rabbits. She was taken from them when her Deer relatives realised she could see the future. She owns a motorbike.

She can see the future, and gives her prophecies to Aria to publicise. Stargazing clarifies her divination. She credits it to Al Basir, whereas Aria’s clairvoyance about the past is considered the domain of As Sami, the spider god. Sam must ask specific questions to get clear answers, although she also receives visions and vibes, particularly about people in her life. She terms this “women’s intuition”. She can only see a limited distance into the future. She can also move supernaturally fast using Rasul powers. Her grandmother is Zarina Alikhanov, a deer from Kazakhstan. Her mother is Sam’s mother, also a deer. She visits them no more than once a year. She views the government as corrupt, which is why she spurns Miriam’s attempts to get her more involved in it — Sam being heir to a holy family. Miriam herself, Sam doesn’t believe to be corrupt.

She doesn’t visit her father, even though she likes him.

She’s pan. Emira calls her ‘shifty rabbit’.


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