Spring Moon at Midnight

‘Spring Moon at Midnight’ is a chapter of the comic, preceded by A Family Portrait and followed by The Perfect Gift.

Episode 1

Saesha puts up a sign for “BUUZA”. Sam and Zach work on getting things ready, but Zach has been distracted thinking of Zhen all day. He tells Sam about how the Zhen situation started, and that he’s falling for Zhen.

Episode 2

Zach is confused why he has such strong feelings for Zhen but not anyone else he’s dated or worked for. Sam thinks he has made a connection. Zach worries that it’s one sided, as since Zhen told him a big secret, he hasn’t called. To Sam, this makes complete sense, because everyone in the east part of the country will be busy celebrating the Moon Festival, the biggest Eid for followers of Al ‘Adl. It’s a celebration of family, and Sam cries remembering celebrating it when she lived with her father, making cakes and dancing.

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